Sunday, February 27, 2011

Backyard Camping

Last week Little Girl and I went camping in the backyard. I thought it would be a good way to break her into the idea of future camping/backpacking trips. She loved every minute of it. Since we were just venturing into the backyard, we decided to do things right. We started out with an awesome meal cooked over the fire pit my brother-in-law lent us.

Little Girl thought it was pretty cool to wear the head lamp and keep an extra eye on the cooking process.

 Nice blazin' fire and some dogs!


Havin' a little fun by the fire.

Emma kept guard of us while we slept in the tent. She actually got spooked at something and growled for about an hour.

Little girl lasted for about ten minutes. I kept trying to talk to her and she just ignored me!

Funniest part of the whole thing was that Erin texted me around 11:30 with "Did you hear that?" just trying to spook me. Unfortuntly, I didn't get it until 4:30 in the morning. I immediately texted her back and got nothing. Called her...nothing. I'm thinking, "What's going on?! I gotta get in there and check." So I picked Little Girl up and all three of us trudged back in the house and woke Erin up to find out that she had sent the text much earlier. I turned to Little Girl and said, "Let's just get in our beds since we only have a couple more hours of sleep and we're in the house now." No Way!!! She would have nothing to do with it and insisted we go back to the tent, where she promptly fell back asleep.

Overall, it was a very good time. She hasn't stopped talking about it and keeps asking when we're going again. She is definitely an outdoors girl.


  1. Awww, so much fun! :)

  2. I totally remember camping in our backyard when we were little.. So many memories! Cute story.. I love Erin! haha!

  3. You are such kewl parents to her!
