Monday, July 25, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile 6

 Fresh strawberries with homemade whipped cream. Yum!

You know what's even better than the strawberries and whipped cream though? Having this lil' girl help me make the whipped cream and watching her enjoy eating the finished product.

Watching this lil' guy explore the world. He's totally mobile now, so things have gotten crazy/interesting around here as nothing is safe anymore.

Waking up late and watching cartoons with lil' girl. She loves Rainbow Brite right now, so it really is like I'm getting to enjoy my childhood all over again.

Thought I would throw a picture of my dog Emma in here as she makes us smile a lot. She's a a quirky little dog. She loves any and all fruit and most veggies. Her ears are all perked up here because Gerald was saying "strawberry." I wish you could see how fast she runs to the kitchen when she hears me cutting up lettuce for a salad.  I've found her more than once in our garden wolfing down our ripe tomatoes as fast as she can before I can get a chance to stop her. She was even worse with the strawberries we tried to grow in the garden this year...this dog got to them before we even got a single one. We still love her though, even though she is a little strange =)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, "Lil Man" is getting more hair on his head.
    Its good to see "Emma" getting in some camera time. She is a great dog!
